LPO Aquitaine Harrier Group
Study is carried out , under the supervision of the C.R.B.P.O (Centre de recherche de la biologie des populations d'oiseaux) of the Museum d'histoire naturelle de Paris and with the collaboration of the LPO Mission Rapaces, by members of the LPO Aquitaine. Study goals: Looking for the 3 Harriers species in limited areas (natural or cultivated land) and protection actions. Check out a possible relantionship between the migratory behavior of the species that have a reproduction cycle in France and their demographic parameters. Field work is carried out to stablish the number of couples settled down for the 3 Harrier species in limited areas (see page "Study area") which cover a total surface area of 150 Km2 . We must control the birds settled down, watch the " parades and afterwards look for the nest, to ring the youngs of the three species, to tagg adults Montagu's harrier,to tagg young Marsh harriers, and finally control the number of youngs flying. A winter follow up is carried out to count the number of harrier in their night sleepy areas and look for eventually Marsh and Hen Harrier’s tagged during their hunting activity. Time spent by Harriers in Gironde during the year is variable. We can see the migratory behavior for the Montagu's harrier as he stays in our working area only during the march - august period. However, Marsh harrier and Hen harrier are present during the whole year. Reproduction period for the 3 harrier species is shown on the figure. We can see how field work goes from march (cantonnement et parades) up to july - august (youngs flying and dispersion). Up today in Gironde 227 Marsh Harrier’s chicks have been ringed and tagged, 147 Hen Harrier’s chicks have been ringed of which 15 tagged, 6 adults of this specie have been ringed and tagged. 490 Montagu’s Harrier’s chicks have been ringed of which 73 tagged in 2007, 89 adults were also ringed and tagged. BIBLIOGRAPHY * Guide du protecteur des busards. (FIR - LPO) * Les rapaces diurnes et nocturnes. (P. Géroudet) * GUIDE des rapaces diurnes. (B.Gensbol) * Le baron gris. (La hulotte n.63) * The marsh Harrier. (Roger Clarke) * Montagu's Harrier (Roger Clarke) * Le Busard Cendré (Alain Leroux, Ed.Belin Collection Eveil Nature) * Rapport de stage (Maîtrise de biologie des populations et des écosystèmes) 1997 de Guillaume Larrègle: Etude et cartographie des sites de nidification des trois espèces de busards français
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